* A Finite verb (sometimes called main verb) is a verb that has a subject, this mean that it can be the main verb in a sentence. it show tense (past/present etc) or number (singular/plural)
example :
- I go to the store
- she goes to the store
- they went to the store
* A non-finite verb has no subject, tense or number. the only non-finite verb forms are the infinitive (indicated by to), the gerund or participle.
example :
- they were cooking in sinta's house
- I have written my letter
- I can't afford to go out toninght
* participle
A participle is a verbal adjective that desribes a noun as being a participant in the action of the verb
* Gerunds
A gerund is a verbal noun that refers to the action of the verb.
in english, a gerund has the same form as a present participle (see above), ending in -ing
* infinitives
infinitives are non-inflected verb that are often preceded by to.
they may function as adverb
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