Asking for information / meminta informasi anggap aja maksudnya mencari tahu gitu lah !!
ehhm,,, dalam hal ini yang kita perlukan adalah percaya diri yang pasti untuk bertanya...
karena ada pepatah mngatakan !!
"Malu Bertanya sesat dijalan, Namun kebanyakan nanya ketahuan gk belajar nii di rumah !!

There are a number of formulas used when asking for information in English. Here are some of the most common:
· Could you tell me…?
· Do you know…?
· Do you happen to know…?
· I’d like to know…
· Could you find out…?
· I’m interested in…
· I’m looking for..

These two forms are used for asking for information on the telephone:
· I’m calling to find out…
· I’m calling about…
Here are some sample phrases and sentences for asking information in English
1. What is this? This is a tableThis is a table
2. What is that? That is a chair.
3. What’s this? It’s a pen.
4. What’s that? It’s an apple.
5. What are these? These are pencils.
6. What are those? Those are books.
7. Where is Mr. King? He is over there.
8. Where is Ms. Knight? She’s (right) here.
9. Where’s Johnny? He’s in the house.
10. When’s the movie? It’s at 9:00.
11. When’s lunch? Lunch is at noon.
12. How is the food? It’s delicious.

* Information about company
What does your company do?
What is your specialty?
What do you specialize in?
What is your main line of business?
Information about products
Could you give me some (more) information on this?
What can you tell me about this (product)?
Tell me about this one/model.
Information about Price
What are you asking for this?
What does this sell for?
How much is it?
How much does it run?

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